Creating Social Impact Through Business Excellence
As your Global Digital Transformation Partner, transcosmos drives growth through meaningful social impact creation. By combining our 'people & technology' expertise with sustainability (SX) and digital transformation (DX), we work to enhance societal well-being while delivering business value. Our group-wide commitment to sustainability KPIs ensures we create lasting positive impact across communities and markets we serve.
Our Commitment to Sustainable Growth: 2025 Targets
Obtain Science Based Targets certification
Achieve 28.0%+ women in management
Attain FTSE Russell ESG score of 3.8+
Social Impact
Deliver 50+ social solution cases across public and private sectors
Addressing climate change
transcosmos promotes environmental management, including initiatives to address climate change, in line with its Fundamental Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy. On March 1, 2023 we began disclosing information in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Developing professional talent with a high level of expertise
transcosmos invests in human capital to realize its corporate vision, based on the belief that developing highly skilled professionals who understand our values is key to providing high-value-added services. In addition to securing and developing talent, we are working to embed transcosmos’s Fundamental Management Philosophy, which underpins our provision of added value. We also hold financial results briefings for employees to promote greater understanding and awareness of transcosmos’s management actions.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)
We have been promoting diversity & inclusion in the workplace as one of our top business strategies. As rapid social change continues to gather pace, client needs are expected to diversify even further. To always exceed customer expectations, it is crucial for us to create a workplace and systems that enable every employee with a diverse background to be motivated and maximize their abilities regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation and identity, disability, and other factors. This means, we must not only support all employees equally, but also recognize their individuality, and provide equal opportunity for success to all. To achieve our goal of sustainable business growth and serve our clients and society, we will pursue equality by evolving our initiatives from D&I to DE&I.

Contributing to local communities
Maximizing the abilities and potential of all individuals is vital for Japan’s and the world’s social and economic development. transcosmos helps to drive innovation through its technology and experience and by creating jobs in the community. Through the transcosmos foundation and other channels, we also provide ongoing support for the education of future generations, make donations and carry out welfare activities as part of our efforts to contribute to local communities in Japan and overseas.

Corporate Governance
transcosmos maintains robust corporate governance through seven key pillars:
- Sustainable Growth Foundation: Building long-term value through strong governance
- Board Diversity: Ensuring varied perspectives in leadership
- Strategic Cross-shareholdings: Value-focused investment approach
- Shareholder Protection: Maintaining fair acquisition procedures
- Business Integrity: Strict antisocial forces elimination
- Compliance: Comprehensive regulatory adherence
- Risk Management: Proactive risk assessment and mitigation