People & Technology

The Origin of our Business

transcosmos' goal is to deliver valuable services by combining highly skilled professionals with the world's cutting-edge technologies. Our "people" offer considerate services that meet and exceed client expectations. Since its foundation, transcosmos has continuously improved its approach by creating business processes that best match each client's needs. We believe developing skilled professionals is vital for both the employees and the company. This belief drives the initiatives that help employees develop and enhance their abilities.

Operational Excellence

Our Service Philosophy

transcosmos embraces the diversity of global markets. We select the most suitable "people & technology" combination for each local market to build and offer our personalized business operations to every client. Operational Excellence is our core philosophy. It focuses on providing clients with timely, cost-effective, and accurate operations that transform into highly competitive business processes – the source of their competitive advantage. As a BPO provider, transcosmos optimizes and drives clients' business process transformation through this philosophy.

Global Digital Transformation Partner

Our Vision for the Future

As digital technology continues to evolve, consumer touchpoints with businesses have become more diverse, and consumers now hold greater influence than ever. Industry lines are blurring as new players focused on cutting-edge technology emerge. To adapt to this changing landscape and support our clients' transformations, transcosmos offers two service suites leveraging digital technology.

The first suite focuses on improving customer experience. We remove barriers between marketing, sales, and support by centralizing diverse consumer touchpoints. By combining our proven expertise in consumer communication and digital technology with our global service network, transcosmos aims to become your one-stop partner to drive customer loyalty, sales growth, and profitability.

The second suite supports the digitalization of your internal business processes to keep pace with a digitalized market and consumer base. Utilizing digital technology-based automation and platforms, transcosmos collaborates with you to develop and operate streamlined business processes.