
アトリビューション分析~Eコマースマーケティングに最適な評価手法~ Part 1

1月 24日, 2020
By : Natsuki.S

You do e-commerce marketing, of course, right? Although there are differences in the amount of money, I think that you are conducting marketing by spending a certain amount of budget and conducting trial and error, such as “what medium and how much do you want to deliver?” and “what should the advertising design be?” This time around, I would like to introduce attribution analysis, which is one of the methods for evaluating marketing . Part 1 discusses the pros and cons, and then Part 2, the attribution model.

Especially, if you only evaluated the ads that are directly related to sales, please read it!

What is attribution analysis?

Briefly, it is an analysis method to determine whether the marketing (advertisement or campaign) that you have conducted contributes to sales. Recently, there are various advertising channels such as SNS and apps as well as online search, and consumers are touching many advertisements before they purchase products. Does that mean you can’t say “Effective ads are this!” unless you evaluate all the ads you touched before you purchased? Attribution analysis is the evaluation method for finding effective advertisements . Attribution analysis statistically analyzes all touch points (advertisements and campaigns touched by customers) that lead to purchase on a customer basis. As a result, it is possible to more accurately determine which advertising/campaign has had a significant impact on purchases, or which step has been taken a step closer to the purchase. Attribution models are used by marketers to perform attribution analysis . Since there are several types of attribution models, we will use the one that is suitable for our marketing evaluation. Please refer to some representative attribution models introduced later in the article.

Attribution analysis advantages and disadvantages

● Merits of attribution analysis

1. Optimize your marketing budget

By knowing effective channels (marketing media such as SNS and email) and advertisements, you can optimally allocate your marketing budget.

2. ROI (return on investment) improves

Because we analyze on a per-user basis, we can deliver ads to the right target at the right time. As a result, you can market more efficiently.

3. Can improve personalization

Understand the messages and channels your customers like, and do more effective marketing at each touchpoint that leads to a purchase.






出所:Marketing Attribution: A Guide to Models, Tools, and Strategy
All 11 Marketing Attribution Models, Explained

著者: Natsuki.S

アプリの企画開発・運用を行う際にGoogle Analyticsを使った分析を始め、その後、トランスコスモスで分析専門チームに所属し、本格的にWebサイトの分析に従事。
主にGoogle Analyticsの計測設計・設定・レポーティングを担当。